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Preakceleratoriaus projekto „Circuloop“ info sesija

The Design Library at Kaunas University of Technology  invites all interested parties to join circulσσp info session on January 13 at 1 pm. You will:

➰ Find  more about the pilot preaccelerator project circulσσp;

➰ Meet the project team;

➰ Get the chance to ask questions. 

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A pilot preaccelerator project circulσσp aims to develop products and services based on circular economy principles. The project will help both existing companies and start-ups to integrate circular design principles into their business model, to develop and improve products and services, to reduce environmental pollution, and at the same time to generate profits.



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Kauno technologijos universitetas, Mechanikos inžinerijos ir dizaino fakultetas, Dizaino centras