The new Board of the National Association of Creative and Cultural Industries elected on May 14, 2021
On May 14 the general meeting of the National Association of Creative and Cultural Industries (NKIKIA) elected the new Board for the two years term. The Board consists of the following 11 members: Ms Agnė Begetė, Director, Lithuanian Neighbouring Rights Association AGATA, Mr Algirdas Orantas, Chief of the Board, Lithuanian Graphic Design Association, member of the Design Council at the Ministry of Culture, Ms Rūta Elijošaitytė-Kaikarė, Director, Lithuanian Publishers Association, Mr Romanas Matulis, Chief, Association „Vilnius Film Cluster“, Mr Gediminas Tarasevičius, Director, Lithuanian Game Developers Association, Ms Rusnė Kregždaitė, Chief, Vilnius City Theater “Art and Science Laboratory”, Mr Laurynas Žakevičius, Director, Urban Dance Theater “Low Air”, Ms Indra Drevinskaitė, communication specialist, Jurgis Bielinis Public Library, Biržai Region Administration, Ms Edita Sabalionytė, NKIKIA Director General, Ms Jurgita Bražinskienė, Director, Social Leadership Association and Ms Živilė Diawara, co-owner, Art Factory “Loftas”. On May 17 the Board had the first meeting and elected Chief of the Board Živilė Diawara for a second term.
“I appreciate the trust the newly elected Board extended to me”, Živilė Diawara shared her impressions after the Board meeting and elections. “In my new term I will continue promoting CCI priority position in the national policy formation, fostering growth and development of Lithuanian CCI, inclusion of CCI experts in decision making processes of the Government. I hold as NKIKIA’s priority to unite CCI sector and develop its networking nationally and internationally. I see the NKIKIA’s role as vital stimulating the growth of CCI in competence, qualification and knowledge exchange. NKIKIA will continue promoting advocacy of CCI sector on Government level, especially targeting the development of financial measures and opportunities in the spheres of cultural economy and tourism, digitalization and innovation.”